LLVM assembly: call a function using varargs
I want to define a function in LLVM assembly that takes as argument: an identifier to a sub-function a vararg[详细]
2023-03-27 08:21 分类:问答Java Var-args and enhanced for loop compiler error
Please explain why the following code snippet fails to compile: public class ScjpTest{ static void go(int... i){[详细]
2023-03-26 14:05 分类:问答Avoiding function overloading
In the following program I\'ve a function overloading. One with just a single argument, another with two arguments and another with three. In the following example it looks simple because the function[详细]
2023-03-26 09:05 分类:问答variadic function - how to ensure parameters passed correctly
Is there any way (built-in or a code pattern) to ensure that a variadic function is passed 开发者_StackOverflow中文版the correct number of parameters?(This will be included as part of an API obviously[详细]
2023-03-23 07:46 分类:问答int32 len = va_args(va, int32) gives very large value on x86_64 GNU/Linux
void AppBuf(message_id_type msgID, int32 numPairs, va_list va) { int32 len = va_args(va, int32); .... } The above piece of code runs perfectly fine on windows (32 and 64 bit) and also on linux 32 b[详细]
2023-03-21 20:11 分类:问答C# P/Invoke: Varargs delegate callback
I was just trying to do some managed/unmanaged interop. To get extended error information I decided to register a log callback offered by the dll:[详细]
2023-03-20 12:55 分类:问答c++ template functions with variable arguments
Is it possible to write a c++ template function which takes a variable number of input variables of different types (number of input can be limited to say 10)?[详细]
2023-03-16 09:52 分类:问答Scala - can unapply return varargs?
Object L1 below works.I can \"create\" an L1 by passing in varargs, which is nice, but I would like to be able to assign to an L1 using the same syntax. Unfortunately, the way开发者_JAVA技巧 I\'ve don[详细]
2023-03-16 00:24 分类:问答Error in the comp.lang.c FAQ? Calculating the length of a variadically formatted string
Question 15.4: varargs/varargs1.html In the example code there, they seem to think va_arg returns NULL if the end of the list has been reached:[详细]
2023-03-15 15:25 分类:问答Invoking method using reflection / Converting List to Var Args
I have a list of parameters and I have the method name. I want to invoke the method using reflection.[详细]
2023-03-13 13:52 分类:问答