Windows equivalent of perl modules required (not available in activestate ppm) such as file::finder
I\'m attempting to import code written in linux into eclipse\'s perl plugin \'开发者_开发百科epic\', and have installed activestate perl in windows. Most of the modules have an activestate equivalent,[详细]
2023-01-08 03:04 分类:问答Running a batch file from Perl (Activestate perl in Windows)
I have a Perl program which does something like below: #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $exe = \"C:\\\\project\\\\set_env_and_run.bat\";[详细]
2023-01-01 13:10 分类:问答Return a Perl object from a different Perl class to C# using PerlNET
I have two Perl modules which I want to expose as object types to C#. One of them constructs objects of the other type and returns it using a method as shown below. I\'m including a reference to Type2[详细]
2022-12-27 12:45 分类:问答Is the Perl .plx filename extension ever used in real-life?
ActiveSt开发者_开发问答ate Perl installs an IIS script mapping for the extension .plx. Is this actually used in real life or just something specific to ActiveState?No, it\'s not just from ActiveState.[详细]
2022-12-08 07:09 分类:问答How do I use Apache::Reload under ActiveState Perl on Windows?
I work with Activestate Perl on Windows and Apache. I want to run my scripts under mod_perl. To prevent Apache from caching modules during development I want to use Apache::Reload module.[详细]
2022-12-08 03:05 分类:问答