How is foldl lazy?
There are lots of good questions and answers about foldl, foldr, and foldl\' in Haskell. So now I know that:[详细]
2023-04-05 23:51 分类:问答What does a lazy val do?
I noticed that Scala provide lazy vals. But I开发者_Go百科 don\'t get what they do. scala> val x = 15[详细]
2023-04-05 22:54 分类:问答Javascript functional lazy evaluation example explanation required
Browsing Hacker News and I come across which is an implementation of a lazy evaluated collection in Javascript.[详细]
2023-04-04 08:12 分类:问答Fedors Lazylist sometimes showing the same image
I am using Fedors implementation of lazy loading images. But sometimes the first item in the listview gets the same image as the last visible item in the list. All other items gets the correct image.[详细]
2023-04-01 06:22 分类:问答Hard to understand Haskell memory allocation behaviour
I stumbled upon Haskell and FP and got stunned by the possibilities. And the old maths nerd inside me had no trouble writing naive code for actual useful purposes. However inspite of all the reading I[详细]
2023-04-01 00:45 分类:问答Lazily evaluated indexed sequence type
I need to build a sequence of objects that are loaded from an external resource. This loading being an expensive operation needs to be delayed until the time the objects are needed. After the collecti[详细]
2023-03-30 20:37 分类:问答Android memory management
I am working on an Android app, that has lots of images (a few hundred) to be displayed in a grid format. I am using a custom HorizontalListView and a couple of LazyLoading, Caching techniques to achi[详细]
2023-03-27 02:14 分类:问答how to use lazy load or async task in List View
I am making a list of view in my application that shows all installed applications in the users device.It shows the name and the icon.The list view takes very long to load and the UI is unresponsive w[详细]
2023-03-26 15:00 分类:问答When does a Stream need to be lazy?
The following are both meant to create a Stream of integers: val s: Stream[Int] = 1 #:: + 1) def makeStream = {[详细]
2023-03-26 01:08 分类:问答Some constructor with asInstanceOf
When I was writing my recent answer I also tried to solve the problem in more \"functional\" way, but stuck with the following problem:[详细]
2023-03-25 18:15 分类:问答