Scrum Taskboard - can the tasks change? [closed]
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2023-01-16 21:37 分类:问答Can agile help a lone developer who codes as a hobby? [closed]
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2023-01-16 11:10 分类:问答Does ITIL fit into an Agile world? [closed]
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2023-01-16 07:33 分类:问答Architectural principles as "non-functional" user stories [closed]
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2023-01-16 01:10 分类:问答Should you include non-development tasks in your Scrum backlog? [closed]
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2023-01-15 23:47 分类:问答Evidence based studies on the topic of best programming practices? [closed]
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2023-01-15 07:10 分类:问答Implementing User Stories the Agile Way [closed]
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2023-01-15 06:52 分类:问答Developer To User Ratio [closed]
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2023-01-15 01:04 分类:问答Bug or feature for a cosmetic change in Pivotal Tracker? [closed]
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2023-01-13 22:30 分类:问答Should we use personas in user stories? [closed]
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2023-01-13 19:42 分类:问答