JAVA GUI Button Question
so I have some code that looks like this: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension;[详细]
2023-03-23 08:38 分类:问答Python Pmw and cx_Freeze?
I am unable to make an executable from my python program which uses Pmw (Python mega widgets). I use cx_Freeze (through gui backend \"Gui2Exe\"). Searching Pmw site I\'ve found that it\'s caused by ho[详细]
2023-03-21 17:44 分类:问答Delphi: Form becomes Frozen while assigning strings in thread
A code below is in a thread. Tf1 := TFileStream.Create(LogsPath,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); ... str:=TStringList.Create;[详细]
2023-03-21 11:39 分类:问答Visual Studio 2010 hangs during debugging of C++ / CLI (mixed mode ) projects
After Google the issue i found that it was reported already but nothing useful yet from MS. I开发者_StackOverflow wonder if any one found a work around it?Another option is to use windbg. You\'ll have[详细]
2023-03-21 04:11 分类:问答Freeze on SerialPort.Open / DeviceIoControl / GetcommState with usbser.sys
I have a C program which opens a handle to a COM port, writes some bytes to it, reads some bytes out, then closes the handle and exits. However, when I run the program like 10 times in a row, it start[详细]
2023-03-21 04:00 分类:问答How do I detect where the program is stuck in an infinite loop?
I am working on a (relatively complex) game. The game freezes in release mode. The freeze happens after 1-2 min. of game-play. The current configuration of the release mode that I have allows me to br[详细]
2023-03-20 18:59 分类:问答Visual Studio freezes or hangs on startup
I have been using Visual Studio for a while and found that when I open visual studio and open the project all the files that were open last time remain open.[详细]
2023-03-20 06:43 分类:问答Blackberry service thread hangs the ui when executing
In my blackberry app i am using alternate entry point and run a thread on startup which does http operation and the same thread is called repeatedly after some time lets say 3 minutes. It does its ope[详细]
2023-03-20 03:03 分类:问答pip freeze captures the package name as if it was on python index site, but it is not. full path is needed
I installed a package from git hub: pip install -e git+[详细]
2023-03-19 11:51 分类:问答Program freezes when called by script!
I searched everywhere before posting, but couldn\'t find an answer.. I need to calculate some statistics (Avg, St. Dev., etc.. ) for the execution time of an algorithm, so i have got this c++ program[详细]
2023-03-17 15:14 分类:问答