Not recognized by the 'identify' command error while using validates_each
Below is my validations for image content type which works fine. validates_attachment_size :icon, :less_than => MAX_SIZE.megabytes, :message => \"Max size is 1 mb\"[详细]
2023-03-27 09:12 分类:问答Resize original image in Paperclip
Paperclip stores original images in \"original\" folder. Is there a way to resize the original images? I want to make the originals smaller in order to save the disc space.[详细]
2023-03-27 03:33 分类:问答Paperclip routing error
After I regi开发者_开发技巧ster a user, the request goes through and says that the registration was successful, but instead of the resized image appearing, the file name is the only thing that appears[详细]
2023-03-26 21:55 分类:问答Paperclip error rails 3
So I have been trying to follow some paperclip tutorials and adjusting them to rails 3. I follow the steps and got an error once I started to add the code needed for the _form and show.htm.erb files.[详细]
2023-03-26 20:53 分类:问答thoughtbot / paperclip Gem installation
Im not going to start by saying i\'m a newbie etc. Jokes, been learning Rails fornearly month using use Mac, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.[详细]
2023-03-26 16:16 分类:问答Paperclip Remote URL
I\'m working with Rails 3.0.9 and Ruby 1.9.2. I am running the gem Paperclip to upload images, and this works fine.[详细]
2023-03-26 15:27 分类:问答A better way to get paperclip thumbnail in index.html.erb
I\'ve been struggling with this for hours. For some background, I have paperclip set up, keeping in mind that I may one day want to add multiple attachments. I followed Emerson\'s screencast to help m[详细]
2023-03-26 11:16 分类:问答Paper Clip Not Saving alternate styles
Paperclip is not saving any changes in the uploaded images but is saving original perfectly well. MY understanding from all the logs is that it cannot access ImageMagick... I have install RMagick alon[详细]
2023-03-26 10:49 分类:问答retrieve filename and content-type from base64 encoded image ruby on rails
I am trying to retrieve the content-type and filename of an image which i am receiving in base64 encoded format.[详细]
2023-03-26 07:34 分类:问答Getting alternating HTTP Errors and IO Errors with Rails 3, Paperclip, and Uploadify
I\'m getting some truly bizarre behavior. Essentially, when I go to batch upload files, each file will alternate, starting with an HTTP Error, then following with an IO error on the next file. Even mo[详细]
2023-03-25 22:53 分类:问答