Implementing a DSL in Ruby for generating domain specific XML
I\'d like to implement a DSL in Ruby for generating domain specific XML documents (i.e. XML which conforms to a specific schema). I can use e.g. Builder to write the XML in Ruby, which is already a gr[详细]
2023-01-30 09:08 分类:问答How to write an internal, natural language, DSL using Ruby + Regex?
I’m looking for a simple example of how to write an internal DSL using Ruby and regex pattern matching. Similar to how Sinatra handles routes[详细]
2023-01-29 17:53 分类:问答Dynamically added accessor assignment doesn't work when invoking block via instance_eval in Ruby
I have a class to which I add attribute accessors dynamically at runtime. This class forms part a DSL, whereby blocks get passed to configuration methods and invoked using instance_eval. This makes it[详细]
2023-01-29 14:24 分类:问答Reusable nested macro in boo?
I am writing a DSL using boo and I would like to keep it as DRY as possible. I was wondering if there is any way to reuse nested macro. E.g. in[详细]
2023-01-29 12:48 分类:问答Pros/cons of different language workbench tools such as Xtext and MPS?
Does anyone have experience working with language workbench tools such as Xtext, Spoofax, and JetBrains\' MPS?I\'m looking to try one out and am having a hard time finding a good comparison of the dif[详细]
2023-01-29 02:46 分类:问答dslVersion - How to increment but still support older versions?
Tech: Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio Visualization & Modeling SDK We have a commercial Visual Studio 2010 DSL, when we release a new version we want to increment the version number. I open the[详细]
2023-01-27 22:42 分类:问答scala dsl parser: rep, opt and regexps
Learning how to use scala DSL:s and quite a few examples work nice. However I get stuck on a very simple thing:[详细]
2023-01-27 03:45 分类:问答Is it possible to verify the number of methods assigned to a Proc in Ruby?
I\'m currently working on a DSL in relation to accounting. What I\'d like to be able to do is: accountant do[详细]
2023-01-27 03:21 分类:问答Is it possible to implemet a Ruby-like internal DSL in Python?
Is it possible to implement an internal DSL in a language without macros?Has anyone succeeded in implementing a Ruby-like inter开发者_如何学Gonal DSL in python?[详细]
2023-01-27 00:55 分类:问答Libraries for converting physical units (kilograms, pounds) in Ruby?
I know Rails has some nice helpers for date and time management. Is there an already-working project consisting of, or incorporating a clean DSL for standard units and their conversions? Any开发者_JAV[详细]
2023-01-26 17:09 分类:问答