Groovy 1.8 a b c style
I need help with one of the Groovy 1.8 DSL features. Consider this test case: 开发者_Go百科/** * For odd number of elements, treat the last element as a call to a getter[详细]
2023-03-19 12:26 分类:问答How does an interpreter use a DSL?
I\'m using an interpreter for my domain specific language rather than a compiler (despite the performance). I\'m struggling to understand some of the concepts though:[详细]
2023-03-18 00:01 分类:问答Dynamically define named classes in Ruby
I am writi开发者_如何转开发ng an internal DSL in Ruby.For this, I need to programmatically create named classes and nested classes.What is the best way to do so?I recon that there are two ways to do s[详细]
2023-03-17 04:28 分类:问答How to express a context free design grammar as an internal DSL in Python?
[Note: Rereading this before submitting, I realized this Q has become a bit of an epic. Thank you for indulging my long explanation of the reasoning behind this pursuit. I feel that, were I in a posit[详细]
2023-03-16 16:03 分类:问答Using XText to create a DSL for describing proprietary XML-formats
At the moment, I have to work with XACML. As there doesn\'t seem to be an editor to fit my needs, and as writing documents in it is a real pain, I wonder if I could not create some sort of DSL to make[详细]
2023-03-16 03:08 分类:问答Is it possible to define a new operator in Groovy?
Is it possible to define a brand new operator in Groovy? I would开发者_开发问答 like to express a trade where someone buys 200 items for the price of 10 like this:[详细]
2023-03-15 17:53 分类:问答How to create natural variable allocation
I am working on a fairly simple DSL and would like to be declare and allocate variables more naturally.[详细]
2023-03-15 15:46 分类:问答Enforcing method calls
I am playing around with creating a DSL. I am using http://jroll开发者_运维问答er.com/rolsen/entry/building_a_dsl_in_ruby as a guide.[详细]
2023-03-15 05:33 分类:问答DSL to implement business rules for REST service routing and processing
I am hoping that Combinator parsers, (http://debasishg.blogspot.com/2008/04/external-dsls-made-easy-with-scala.html), will work for a design to process the routing rules for a REST service that is imp[详细]
2023-03-13 23:52 分类:问答Recommended way to embed JVM in C program with NO library?
What\'s the recommended way to embed JVM in C program with NO library. This means JVM as a eD开发者_JAVA百科SL execution engine. (Not whole Java platform environment) I\'m trying to use another JVM ba[详细]
2023-03-13 06:02 分类:问答