View OLAP cube details in Excel
Is there a way to view the 开发者_StackOverflow中文版details (the grain) in an OLAP cube in excel? I know excel can already show the measures that are aggregrated, but the users want to see the detail[详细]
2023-03-01 04:19 分类:问答Strategy to avoid OutOfMemoryException during ETL in .NET
I have wrote a ETL process that perform ETL process. The ETL process needs to process more than 100+ million or rows overall for 2 years worth of records.To avoid out of memory issue, we chunk the dat[详细]
2023-03-01 03:43 分类:问答Differences between Data Vault and Dimensional modeling?
When modeling a data warehouse, is there any reason we should favor Data Vault over Dimensional modelling? 开发者_JS百科What are the major differences between these two?Dimensional modelling is in my[详细]
2023-02-26 14:24 分类:问答Data warehouse - Dimension Modeling
I am new to BI/Datawarehousing, and after building some easy samples, I have the need to build a more complex structure. My project initially involved product licenses, and I was measuring how many so[详细]
2023-02-25 19:26 分类:问答should dimension table key lookups be processed before data goes into a staging table?
I have read that a staging table should be an exact column by column mat开发者_如何学Cch of its target table in the dw. If that is the case, after populating the staging table is it best practice to n[详细]
2023-02-25 05:58 分类:问答tagged dimensions in data warehouse
In my data warehouse I got a dimension where each record can have one or several tags. Are there any straight forward ways to model a dimension with different tags?[详细]
2023-02-24 05:22 分类:问答Start and end period in each fact within a data warehouse
I have been asked to add a new table to our data warehouse.Currently, we separate our facts into monthly, quarterly, and yearly tables, with time dimensions for each.Each fact record has one time valu[详细]
2023-02-22 12:35 分类:问答practical problems of transforming data in data warehouse
i need to explain the practical problems that might be encountered when transforming their transactional (and other) data from their diverse sources into the Data Warehouse. according to my knowledge[详细]
2023-02-21 14:20 分类:问答Data Streaming with Entity Framework
I\'m designing an ELT system for a data warehouse and was wondering what is the most effective while still (in some sense) safe way of extracting the data from the source database.[详细]
2023-02-18 03:39 分类:问答histogram in data warehouse
I got a ton of samples in the following format: <timestamp> <dim1> <dim2> <dim3> 324[详细]
2023-02-17 01:01 分类:问答