How to create a duplicate copy of a SQL Server stored proc or view with a new name?
Suppose I have a stored procedure proc_MyTestProc. I want to create a backup copy of this proc called proc_MyTestProc_{timestamp}, and create a new instance of this proc in its place. Here is my curr[详细]
2023-03-30 07:44 分类:问答CouchDB Filtered Replication
Trying out filters for replication, I stumbled upon a problem. While my filter is working as an entry in the _replicator database, I doesn\'t when using cURL.[详细]
2023-03-29 02:23 分类:问答SQL blocking with replication and triggers
I have a table that is replicated from Server A to Server B using transactional replication.I also have a INSERT & UPDATE trigger on the table on Server B.When the SQL Server Agent is replicating[详细]
2023-03-28 18:03 分类:问答Website Replication using PHP
I would like to know the concept of website replication where when a user sign up a subdomain is created and the user can create his website online. Just the开发者_运维问答 way it is being done in www[详细]
2023-03-28 03:53 分类:问答Is basic HTTP auth in CouchDB safe enough for replication across EC2 regions?
I can appreciate that seeing \"basic auth\" and \"safe enough\" in the same sentence is a lot like reading \"Is parachuting without a parachute still safe?\", so I\'ll do my best to clarify what I am[详细]
2023-03-28 02:44 分类:问答Transactional Replication on a table carrying incompatible data type
I am trying to implement a transactional replication in 2008. Both the publisher and subscriber are in 2008 version.So far so good.[详细]
2023-03-27 18:22 分类:问答How does CouchDB Replication behave with Failed / Recovered servers?
Consider the following scenario: 3 EC2 instances located in: US-WEST Ireland Tokyo Each instance is a dedicated CouchDB server. Each CouchDB server is setup to run continuous replication with eve[详细]
2023-03-27 17:37 分类:问答MySQL slave attaches production database name to new views
I have a slave database that bears a different name than it\'s production counterpart.(We\'ll call prod database and slave database_slave.)[详细]
2023-03-27 16:57 分类:问答CouchDB Replication to and from Android
I\'m new to Android and CouchDB and have a few questions. Is it actually possible to replicate the contents of a Windows CouchDB database to Android without developing some sort of app?[详细]
2023-03-27 08:19 分类:问答SVN replication using svn-git
I am facing a problem of syncing two svn servers (one inside and one开发者_开发百科 outside of the firewall). After googling around I found out that svn-git is probably the best alternative.[详细]
2023-03-25 10:59 分类:问答