WCF MsmqBinding WAS : Listener try to match every queue to a service
I\'m using a WCF Service with netMsmqBinding and WAS.Everything seems to work well (including remote posting to the queue thanks to stackoverflow community:)).[详细]
2023-04-02 11:33 分类:问答Using MSMQ or database for storing large data
I have a scenario where large stream of data is to be stored. Which option is better to store the 开发者_如何学编程stream of byte data since we need to store & retrieve the information.[详细]
2023-04-01 14:49 分类:问答Send/Receive GZip compressed MSMQ messages in C#
I am trying to send large objects (>30MB) to a MSMQ queue. Due to the large amount of data we are are tring to send the idea was to GZip the objects prior to sending them, then unzipping them on the r[详细]
2023-04-01 12:56 分类:问答MSMQ InvalidOperationException after Send() when trying to grab LookupId
Windows 7 32bit, .NET4.Specifically, when I do this: _queue.Send(mqMessage); return mqMessage.Lo开发者_C百科okupId;[详细]
2023-04-01 05:04 分类:问答Tools for Monitoring Web Services, Windows Services, App Pools and MSMQ health
I am tasked with rewriting a series of legacy services (win and web + msmq). Because of the state they are in, I cannot quickly add functionality to them so they \'call home\' to report status/health.[详细]
2023-03-28 23:08 分类:问答MSMQ as buffer for SQL Server Inserts
I\'m learning about MSMQ and am successfully using it to queue email and text messages from a consumer-facing ASP.NET MVC website, to be handled by a separate client application.[详细]
2023-03-28 21:48 分类:问答use System.Messaging.MessageQueue or WCF for MSMQ?
5 years ago i\'ve developed a program which used MSMQ. Back then, i used the System.Messaging.MessageQueue and the System.Messaging.MessageQueueTransaction to put items on the msmq.[详细]
2023-03-28 08:32 分类:问答Would a private MessageQueue object with an invalid path trigger a MessageQueueException?
First off, I have no experience with MSMQ. Supposing an invalid path is passed into the constructor for a private MessageQueue object, would it trigger a MessageQueueException when the send method i[详细]
2023-03-28 05:31 分类:问答Where did my Message Queue sent messages go?
I have an application that uses MSMQ that is working very well when both the producer and consumer are on[详细]
2023-03-28 05:08 分类:问答wcf netmsmq transactional service
Hy, all. I have an interesting case. I have tried to create a wcf service-client communication based on netmsmq binding hosted on windows service app.[详细]
2023-03-26 17:06 分类:问答