MySQL Profiler - No entries in show profile
I am using MySQL profiler to help with diagnosis of some MySQL issues I am investigating.However when I issue the show profiles command I do not get any results.[详细]
2023-02-06 10:35 分类:问答How to profile memory usage?
I am aware of Valgrind, but it just detects memory management issues. What I am searching is a tool that gives me an overview, which parts of my program do consume how much memory. A graphical represe[详细]
2023-02-04 13:43 分类:问答inlined functions still show up in the .prof file
I\'m trying tofigure out how to optimize开发者_StackOverflow社区 some code.Here it is: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}[详细]
2023-02-04 03:48 分类:问答Profilers Instrumenting Vs Sampling
I am doing a study to between profilers mainly instrumenting and sampling. I have came up with the following info:[详细]
2023-02-03 17:00 分类:问答VS2010 Profiler comparison report baseline/comparison values
I 开发者_如何学Gohave run the profiler on my web project twice and then selected the two reports and generated a comparison report. When I look at the functions, I\'m seeing two rows for each function[详细]
2023-02-03 12:25 分类:问答Cachegrind under Xen
I have 开发者_JAVA百科an application written in C++ that someone else has written in a way that\'s supposed to maximally take advantage of cpu caches.This application runs on a guest Ubuntu OS that is[详细]
2023-02-03 08:01 分类:问答Memory profiler for C [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It i开发者_开发问答s not currently accepting answers.[详细]
2023-02-02 02:53 分类:问答How do I run a SQL Server trace to start and end at specific times?
I found the recipe for creating a SQL Profiler trace. How do I set up something to have this trace start and end at specific times, can I do this with a management task??[详细]
2023-02-01 20:48 分类:问答OpenTK-based game stutters intermittently
I\'m currently developing a game using OpenTK for rendering; C#, .Net 4.0, OpenGL 2. Running maximized (not full screen, but taking up all the available screen space) on 1280x1024 resolution, I\'m se[详细]
2023-02-01 14:07 分类:问答Is it possible to stop profiling without stopping the target service? VS2010
I\'m using t开发者_运维技巧he VS 2010 GUI profiler to profile a service on my machine. I have to attach to a running service. When I stop the profiling session it kills the service. I don\'t think tha[详细]
2023-02-01 04:06 分类:问答