SetInterval Collides When Calling a jQuery Plugin More than Once
I\'m working on a custom jQuery plugin that makes use of SetInterval, but it breaks when it\'s called more than once.[详细]
2023-03-28 07:51 分类:问答Force background tabs in Chrome to run setTimeout at normal speed
Does Chrome have any manual override of the minimum window timer resolution for background tabs? I\'m testing instances of a web a开发者_运维问答pplication in multiple tabs, and the minimum resolution[详细]
2023-03-28 05:37 分类:问答Actionscript 3 setInterval stops after 10. (Audio)
I have little problem with my script. Here is the code. When I set setInterval to somethi开发者_Python百科ng like 10 seconds, sound stops in about 10 calls to reset. But whe[详细]
2023-03-28 05:05 分类:问答interval timed dual fadeouts in jquery
WOW am i having 开发者_如何学JAVAproblems. Im trying to create a cycling testimonials area where the testimonial and client fade in and out at the same time. Im using setInterval() and having a bunch[详细]
2023-03-28 03:28 分类:问答ExpressJS: How to know when a request has finished?
In an ExpressJS set up on top of NodeJS, I have a bit of code like this: app.get(\'/keys/readresults/:keyname\', basic_auth, function(req,res){[详细]
2023-03-27 22:35 分类:问答clearTimeout during gallery animation
I created a gallery with auto-play. When the gallery STOP it\'s animation and we hover the gallery, all works as expected.[详细]
2023-03-27 17:52 分类:问答How to skip 1st delay of setInterval function?
when we use setInterval it delays for specified time and then run the function specified in 1st argument. What should i do if I dont want the delay for the 1st time?[详细]
2023-03-27 15:31 分类:问答setting a timer, pausing it on mouse over, then reset it again
Hi have a problem with the setInterval and clearInterval, here is my current code: var myTimer = 0; var myTimer = setInterval(function() { fadedots(); }, 1000);[详细]
2023-03-26 17:43 分类:问答setTimeout problem with Google Feed API
I have used google feed API to read a Rss feed url and display the title. When I call the function get_rss1_feeds directly It works fine. But when I call it with setTimeout or setInterval I am able to[详细]
2023-03-26 04:34 分类:问答jquery setInterval creates animations buildup
I created a gallery using setInterval fiddle The gallery works great, the only problem is that if someone leaves the page exploring another \'browser tab\', coming back to the ga开发者_运维技巧llery[详细]
2023-03-26 04:15 分类:问答