Jung with RCP eclipse?
I want to use Jung in my RCP user interface, is this possible? the problem is that the Jung library works with JPanel and I should embed this JPanel in an Eclipse view (which works with com开发者_如何[详细]
2023-03-28 00:13 分类:问答How to programmatically refresh an Eclipse view, or RSE file subsystem?
How can I programmatically update an Eclipse view? (I suppose this might not need to be specific to RSE?).[详细]
2023-03-27 21:25 分类:问答Is there a way to know when and in what plug-in Eclipse service is registered?
It\'s nice that Eclipse uses service oriented architecture more and more, but am I only the developer who sees the lack of knowledge of by what plug-in and at what stage service is registered as a pro[详细]
2023-03-27 20:13 分类:问答bpmn2 modeler in Gef
I am trying to develop the bpmn2 modeler using GEF alone. I have the emf bpmn2 model in place and really confused of how to use the model and create an fully functional Bpmn2 editor using GEF alone.[详细]
2023-03-27 18:21 分类:问答How to force a minimum height of a JFace Wizard in Eclipse?
I\'m presenting a wizard (code here) that gets too low, so the content does not show completely (see screenshot below):[详细]
2023-03-27 11:39 分类:问答Why can a feature-based Eclipse Application run configuration include unexpected plugins?
I have a feature-based product configuration and a run configuration using \"Launch with: features selected below\". However, when run, it includes some plug-ins which neither:[详细]
2023-03-27 05:37 分类:问答Looking for an automated UI tester tool for SWT (with Eclipse RCP) [closed]
Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. It does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.[详细]
2023-03-27 04:03 分类:问答Unset environment variable when Eclipse application is launched?
I\'ve got a situation where a user has the \'JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS\' environment variable set on their workstation ... but the option is causing my Eclipse application to crash.[详细]
2023-03-27 03:31 分类:问答Eclipse RCP detached views: How to control the z-index?
Let\'s say I have 2 views(A,B) detached.View A on top of开发者_JS百科 view B on top of workbench shell.[详细]
2023-03-26 19:54 分类:问答Access org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text from Overridden createWindowContents
I have overridden the method createWindowContents in my ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor class. I put a Text box at the banner I created s开发者_开发知识库o that user could insert an URL that would[详细]
2023-03-26 18:48 分类:问答