Displaying links in a table viewer
I want to display clickable links as column values in a table viewer. All I am getting is plain text now.[详细]
2023-03-28 23:19 分类:问答How to extend the source menu in Eclipse? (or: What is its locationURI?)
I am developing an eclipse plugin and trying to extend the source menu (mainMenubar/Source - visible when editing in the java-editor) in Eclipse 3.7.[详细]
2023-03-28 22:07 分类:问答Artifact and metadata repository manager are null
I try to load an artifact and metadata repository manager as follows private IArtifactRepositoryManager getArtifactRepositoryManager() {[详细]
2023-03-28 19:40 分类:问答Customizing About dialog of RCP applications beyond changing text and image
Is it possible to override the standard AboutD开发者_运维问答ialog provided by RCP?There are not a lot you can do via customizations - beyond text and image as you mention - so the \"easy\" solution i[详细]
2023-03-28 12:02 分类:问答How to use more than one <instanceof> condition in <visibleWhen>?
There are two conditions for a popup menu to appear, I am using the <instanceof..> inside a <visibleWhen> tag in my plugin.xml? I have used the <or>...<instance of>...</or&g[详细]
2023-03-28 09:31 分类:问答Using Equinox P2 - Getting information about installed features and plugins
I\'m using Eclipse 3.7 to develop a project and I need to do some things, using the information of installed plugins and features:[详细]
2023-03-28 05:23 分类:问答only one editor at a time? RCP
I was wondering if there is a manner to make it impossible to open more than 1 editor at a time? what I have now is a button that each time it is pressed gives a new edi开发者_StackOverflow中文版tor.[详细]
2023-03-28 05:03 分类:问答SWT Text widget: how to insert own MenuItems into the default context menu?
The default context menu for the org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text class is quite a rich thing, packed with features that the user has come to depend on ...[详细]
2023-03-28 04:21 分类:问答Close editor if button inside this editor is pressed?? (RCP eclipse)
favorite I have a UI in which when I select an item (in a tree) and then press a button \"add\", I get a new editor. With each item I can get an editor. (but all have the same ID)[详细]
2023-03-28 03:23 分类:问答Resolving overloaded methods with ASTVisitor in Eclipse JDT
I am currently working on an academic project which employs an ASTVisitor to create a basic calltree.[详细]
2023-03-28 02:37 分类:问答