Negation (complement) of Less-than, Greater-than etc
What is the negation (complement) of: i < A.Length in the context of: Do (i < A.Length )// is it i == A.Lengthori > A.Length?[详细]
2023-01-26 17:57 分类:问答boolean aggregation patterns in c#
I am writing a little lookup app, where i have a console handy for quick queries against a cache for sanity checks etc..[详细]
2023-01-24 10:55 分类:问答How to efficiently implement binary decision diagrams (BDD)?
Background about binary decision diagrams can be found here BDD on wikipedia. The simplest approach is to build BDT (Binary Decision Tree) and then reduce it due to two rules:[详细]
2023-01-23 07:00 分类:问答Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs ||
I know the rules for && and || but what are &a开发者_StackOverflowmp; and |? Please explain these to me with an example.Those are the bitwise AND and bitwise OR operators.[详细]
2023-01-21 16:00 分类:问答Does the compiler continue evaluating an expression where all must be true if the first is false?
I\'m sure this question has probably been answered before, so I apologiz开发者_如何转开发e, but I wasn\'t able to find the proper search terms to find the answer.[详细]
2023-01-21 03:51 分类:问答Digital Logic - truth tables
I am trying to solve these problems with truth tables using the formulas below. I am having a problem with the NOT to NAND[详细]
2023-01-20 03:44 分类:问答False or None vs. None or False
In [20]: print None or False -------> print(None or False) F开发者_StackOverflowalse In [21]: print False or None[详细]
2023-01-20 03:06 分类:问答Basic boolean minimization
I am trying to simplify the following piece of boolean algebra so I can construct the circuit : A\'.B\'.C.D+A\'.B.C.D\'+A\'.B.C.D+A.B\'.C\'.D +A.B\'.C.D+A.B.C\'.D+A.B.C.D\' + A.B.C.D[详细]
2023-01-19 20:47 分类:问答Bool issue - changing value
Morning all. I have the following method that I use to to try and bring back a bool: public static bool GetShowCatSubProdStatus(string memberid, string username)[详细]
2023-01-18 08:53 分类:问答c# Can someone explain this boolean logic
// Example bool is true bool t = true; // Convert bool to int int i = t ? 1 : 0; Console.WriteLine(i); // 1[详细]
2023-01-15 16:26 分类:问答