Identifying a Specific Face in an Image
Using OpenCV\'s HaarDetectObjects with haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml, I\'ve f开发者_高级运维ound I can detect a face fairly reliably. However, is anyone aware of any libraries or methods for ide[详细]
2023-04-09 02:26 分类:问答How to add a dynamic images in ViewFlipper ???
I am using this code. to access the particular folder in order to get a list of images and add it into a ViewFlipper. but i have problem with this, i can\'t add it into the ViewFlipper.Soplease if any[详细]
2023-04-08 22:51 分类:问答Count black spots in an image - iPhone - Objective C
I need to count the number of black spots in an image(Not the percentage of black spots but the count). Can anyone suggest a step wise procedure that is used in image manipulation to count the spots.[详细]
2023-04-08 22:40 分类:问答About generating sound waveform in an ActionScript 3 Bitmap
I am generating Bitmap object to show the sound waveform of a loaded sound. The bitmap is 1024x120 and after it has been generated I shrink its size to 655x120. My problem is the player that loads the[详细]
2023-04-08 22:18 分类:问答GrabCut - bgdModel & fgdModel empty - Assertion error
I am attempting image segmentation using GrabCut algorithm in OpenCV2.1 (C++) Here my code: Mat rgbWorkImage = imread(argv[1]);[详细]
2023-04-08 19:46 分类:问答Green screen / chroma key iOS
I am trying to do green screen subtraction in real time on iOS.I have included openCV in my project and I can get the raw data from the camera using this tutorial:[详细]
2023-04-08 19:14 分类:问答Detecting an Object in an Image using SIFT/SURF Features
Given N SIFT/SURF features extracted from 100 training images describing a specific object, and given M SIFT/SURF features extracted from a new image A, that may or may not contain that object (as wel[详细]
2023-04-08 16:49 分类:问答GoogleAppEngine: how to prevent image resize failure for big images
I\'ve got to manage some images taken from the client. Up to now, my code is the following: Image oldImage = null;[详细]
2023-04-08 14:36 分类:问答Why does cvSet2D take in a tuple of doubles, and why is this tuple all 0 save for the first element?
cvSet2D(matrix, i, j, tuple) Hi. I\'m dissecting the Gabor Filter code given in . I have a few questions on cvSet2[详细]
2023-04-08 10:07 分类:问答Inverse filtering on OpenCV - accessing DFT values and multiplying DFT matrices
I am trying to perform an inverse and a pseudo-inverse filtering in the frequency domain. However I am having trouble accessing DFT coefficients and multiplying DFT matrices afterwards, since I got c[详细]
2023-04-08 05:50 分类:问答