How do I find the minimum/maximum values to use with Root Solvers?
I want to use the root solvers (ex: BrentSolver) in Commons Math to find roots for polynomial functions, but they all seem to require using an initial estimate for 开发者_JS百科minimum/maximum, where[详细]
2023-04-09 21:07 分类:问答Why is my clockwise sorting of Vector3s inconsistent?
I\'ve attempted to write a Comparer class for Vector3s (or, rather, VertexPositionNormalTextures) which will sort a list of them into clockwise order in order to fix my backface culling issues.I\'ve t[详细]
2023-04-09 19:10 分类:问答How do you get the most popular items based on visits?
Le开发者_JAVA百科t\'s say we have a table for items that looks like this item_id item_visits What should we add to this table, to be able to sort these items based on how many visits they have had[详细]
2023-04-09 17:22 分类:问答Binary run length encoding
I have a web开发者_如何转开发 form, for the contents of which I would like to generate a short representation in Base64. The form, among other things, contains a list of 264 binary values, the greater[详细]
2023-04-09 14:08 分类:问答COLLADA: Inverse bind pose in the wrong space?
I\'m working on writing my own COLLADA importer. I\'ve gotten pretty far, loading meshes and materials and such. But I\'ve hit a snag on animation, specifically: joint rotations.[详细]
2023-04-09 12:05 分类:问答Fastest programming language for computing large numbers?
If I wanted to compute numbers with hundreds of millions of digits (positive integers), which programming language would be best suited for that?[详细]
2023-04-09 11:59 分类:问答how to do generic division without raising exception
I want to do safe division for any type T, which I don\'t want to raise CPU/FPU exception, for example if a float is divided by zero it should return infinity (+/-INF).[详细]
2023-04-09 11:55 分类:问答Recurrence Relations in Data Structures
In my Data Structures Cla开发者_如何学Goss, we\'re looking at recurrence relations like T(n) and big O problems O(n). I\'d appreciate any resources for learning these, my textbook doesn\'t cover T(n),[详细]
2023-04-09 11:01 分类:问答Why is this not context free grammar?
I vaguely recall { a^n b^n c^n is, n>=0 } not context free. But isn\'t the following a valid context free grammar that captures the above[详细]
2023-04-09 10:31 分类:问答Objective C - Creating Angles From Current Time
I\'m trying to write code to draw a clock on the screen of an iOS device. I need to get the angle of a line (seconds, minutes, hours hands of clock) from the current time. My code accurately grabs the[详细]
2023-04-09 10:24 分类:问答