Function arithmetic?
Over the summer I learned a bit of PHP and javascript, so I figured I would also get a head start on math for this year, which, for me, will be calculus. I was watching some videos and came across thi[详细]
2023-04-02 11:47 分类:问答akka: sharing mutable state
I need to have one global variable (singleton) that will change very infrequently. Actually it only changes when the actor restarts, and reinitialize the variable. Since I cannot do this with singleto[详细]
2023-04-02 06:21 分类:问答How can a time function exist in functional programming?
I\'ve to admit that I don\'t know much about functional programming. I read about it from here and there, and so came to know that in functional programming, a function returns the same output, for sa[详细]
2023-04-02 05:12 分类:问答Looking for F# library function similar to map that will pass to f the current state of the computation
I wonder if there is some function in the F# libraries similar to this one? let map_acc (f:int->int) (list:int list) =[详细]
2023-04-02 01:02 分类:问答Lambda calculus problem
I gotta solve a lambda calculus problem. I reached certain point and I don´t know how to continue: h f x = \\g -> g (f x g)[详细]
2023-04-01 23:38 分类:问答Functional Queue From Programming In Scala
I\'m going through Programming In Scala 2nd Edition by Odersky, Spoon, and Venners, and this example threw me for a loop since it seemed to go against what I thought was true about functional programm[详细]
2023-04-01 23:08 分类:问答Is it worth to create a pure graphics library for haskell [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, a[详细]
2023-04-01 09:29 分类:问答Polynomial in Haskell troubles with map
I need to multiply a polynomial by a number using map. I´ve been trying for a long time and I´m already getting crazy. I´ve tried two ways getting this errors:[详细]
2023-04-01 09:23 分类:问答boost::ref and boost::asio completion handlers, pass-by-reference; I have this call in a section of code, the underlying type i is definetly a callable (because removing the boost::ref leads to pass by value, which works fine), how[详细]
2023-04-01 07:51 分类:问答Scala, Actors, what happens to unread inbox messages?
What happens to unread inbox messages in Scala Actors? For example two cases:1.If forget to implement react case for special message: actor!NoReactCaseMessage2. If messages comes too fast: (timeOfProc[详细]
2023-04-01 07:36 分类:问答