BsonValue and custom classes in MongoDB C# Driver
I\'m trying to use $push in an update query in mongodb, with the c# driver. The Update.Push(...) method requires a string name (that\'s fine), and a BsonValue to be \'pushed\'.This is where I run int[详细]
2023-04-12 14:00 分类:问答Why using sharding with MongoDB?
We started to use MongoDB at work. So far so good however I was asked to assess if MongoDB could do Replica Set and Sharding at the same time. After searching for a while I find out that yes it can bu[详细]
2023-04-11 23:28 分类:问答Mongo: Selecting X elements from an array placed in an object
I have the following collection for a user in a MongoDB: { \"_id\" : 1, \"facebook_id\" : XX, \"name\": \"John Doe\",[详细]
2023-04-09 18:59 分类:问答Get the hit row in MongoDb
Let us say we have the next JSON structure: { { name:\"FirstComponent\", items:[ { Caption:\"Item1\", Value:\"1\"[详细]
2023-04-08 05:03 分类:问答MongoDb Norm serialization
I know this is subjective, but how good is the norm serializer, particularly related to serialization of complex objects that are cyclic. Essentially I have big chu开发者_如何学编程nk of deserialized[详细]
2023-04-08 04:05 分类:问答Mongo DB: how to select items with nested array count > 0
The database is near 5GB. I have documents like: { _id: .. user: \"a\" hobbies: [{ _id: .. name: football 开发者_高级运维 },[详细]
2023-04-07 05:52 分类:问答Partial mongodb upsert using the c# driver?
Mongo version 1.8.2. Assume I have a class like public class Acc { public int _id { get; set; } public int? Foo { get; set; }[详细]
2023-04-06 20:50 分类:问答C# class design issue for mongodb
I got a problem in C# class design for mongodb, suppose there two class: public class Group { public Group()[详细]
2023-04-05 21:30 分类:问答MongoDB C# Driver doesn't release connections then errors
I\'m using the latest versions of MongoDB (on a Win 64 Server) and the C# driver. I have a windows service that is doing 800 reads and updates per minute, and after a few minutes the current threads u[详细]
2023-04-05 14:33 分类:问答How can I compare 2 dates in a Where statement while using NoRM for MongoDB on C#?
I have a table in Mongo. O开发者_StackOverflow社区ne of the fields is a DateTime. I would like to be able to get all of the records that are only for a single day (i.e. 9/3/2011).[详细]
2023-04-02 10:54 分类:问答