Erlang supervisor: how to check if all the workers have replied
I have a supervisor with N worker processes. As usual the supervisor can send a message to a worker process and there is a handle_cast that sends a reply from a worker to the supervisor.[详细]
2023-04-05 21:29 分类:问答Is it possible implement Pregel in Erlang without supersteps?
Let\'s say we implement Pregel with Erlang. Why do we actually need supersteps? Isn\'t it better to just send messages from one supervisor to processes that represent nodes? They could just apply the[详细]
2023-04-05 21:27 分类:问答Use of function in Guard not allowed. Suggestions for alternate implementation wanted
I am attempting to create a prime number factorizer, using fermats method. This line generates an error[详细]
2023-04-05 18:21 分类:问答How to use db in erlang correctly?
I write some example on erlang and mongodb. As driver for mongodb I use emongo. Problem is if I make connection in one module I can not reuse this conn开发者_运维百科ection in different modules. In C/[详细]
2023-04-05 05:37 分类:问答Is it possible to write this without an accumulator?
I origin开发者_运维百科ally tried writing this without being tail recursive, as according to the BEAM does it itself. It works, I\'m just wonderin[详细]
2023-04-05 00:44 分类:问答Erlang: Is there a better way to tell if something is on the stack than regexps on the stacktrace?
The project I\'m working on has a lot of telemetry and debugging mechanisms built in that must be available in release, but MUST NOT be used by most parts of the system.I\'d like to build a macro, to[详细]
2023-04-04 23:41 分类:问答How can I integrate Webmachine into an Erlang Application?
I read and re-read the docs and tutorials, but my understanding of how to create Erlang Applications, and Rebar for that matter, still has enough holes to resemble Swiss cheese. Very simple stuff thro[详细]
2023-04-04 23:30 分类:问答What does in ? operator/prefix in Erlang mean?
What does the question mark in ?MODULE (which can be seen in all generated code by Mochiweb make command) mean?[详细]
2023-04-04 21:06 分类:问答Write a function that calculate the sum of integers in a list in Erlang
As I\'开发者_如何学编程m learning Erlang just by reading books and doing my own exercises (NOT for homework), I\'m struggling with even the most simple task that I mentioned in the title.[详细]
2023-04-04 20:52 分类:问答Erlang lists with single numbers over 8?
In some weird way all the numbers over 8, single, ina list becomes some kind of ASCII? 开发者_运维问答[8] -> ["\\b"][详细]
2023-04-04 11:50 分类:问答