Dynamically parsing research data in python
The long (winded) version: I\'m gathering research data using Python. My initial parsing is ugly (but functional) code which gives me some basic information and turns my raw data into a format suitabl[详细]
2023-03-07 11:20 分类:问答List comprehension in Haskell
I\'ve been using the following code to get all combinations of a pre-determined amount of numbers: getList x = [ [a,b,c] | a <- [1..x], b <- [1..x], c <- [1..x]][详细]
2023-03-05 06:03 分类:问答How can I use a list comprehension to extend a list in python? [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: list.extend and list comprehension [duplicate] (6 answers) Closed 4 years ago.[详细]
2023-03-05 05:30 分类:问答Haskell parallel and generalized (SQL-like) list comprehension problem
Maybe I\'m misreading the docs ( but in the following code I\'d expect the list comprehe开发者_Sta[详细]
2023-03-04 14:22 分类:问答Line continuation for list comprehensions or generator expressions in python
How are you supposed to break up a very long list comprehension? [something_that_开发者_如何学Gois_pretty_long for something_that_is_pretty_long in somethings_that_are_pretty_long][详细]
2023-03-01 16:02 分类:问答Python: Difference between != and "is not" [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Python 'is not' operator (4 answers) Closed 17 days ago.[详细]
2023-03-01 03:00 分类:问答python: single-line cartesian product for-loop
Did you know you can do this? >>> [(x,y) for x in xrange(2) for y in xrange(5)] [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4)][详细]
2023-02-28 18:01 分类:问答Applying a method with no return value to each element of a list [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: Is it Pythonic to use list comprehensions for just side effects?[详细]
2023-02-28 02:38 分类:问答Nested array comprehensions in CoffeeScript
In Python def cross(A, B): \"Cross product of elements in A and elements in B.\" return [a+b for a in A for b in B][详细]
2023-02-25 01:01 分类:问答Erlang list comprehension
I\'m testing an expression with two inequalities for the condition of a list comprehension. Is there a way to have assignments here and not duplicate that expression?[详细]
2023-02-24 23:52 分类:问答