usernames in windows domain
I\'m working on a app that uses Jespa to do transparent SSO.I\'m using the NtlmSecurityProvider.In my code, when I get the username looks like this:\"DOMAINNAME\\username\"[详细]
2023-03-26 20:03 分类:问答How to find loginname, database username, or roles of sqlserver domain user who doesn't have their own login?
I have created a login and database user called \"MYDOMAIN\\Domain Users\". I need to find what roles a logged on domain user has but all the calls to get the current user return the domain username e[详细]
2023-01-27 06:38 分类:问答Domain credentials for a WebClient class don't work
I\'m trying to get a HTML source of a website through C# code. When I access the site with Windows Authentication, the following code works:[详细]
2022-12-10 09:53 分类:问答Windows domain integration with Azure Active Directory (AAD): can AAD authentication token be available for user logged in Windows desktop?
Can Windows domain (users and passwords for the desktop machines) be integrated with Azure Active Directory? The remaining part of my question details how I imagine and understand such integration.[详细]
2022-12-07 18:32 分类:问答