Adding components to a component folder
I\'m working on a Delphi project and I want to add a parser to it. The parser comes with components that should be added to the project[详细]
2023-03-28 10:49 分类:问答Delphi Ownership Confusion
I always thought that the owner is responsible for destroying visual controls and that I can manually control destruction if I pass nil as the owner.[详细]
2023-03-28 04:19 分类:问答Struts2 component corrupts non-english characters(Chinese)
I attempted to create a struts2 component using jsp,and I used UTF-8 header in both jsp pages,but in final result I see that those symbols came corrupted. If I change UTF-8 into GBK,it will be ok,I wa[详细]
2023-03-27 19:31 分类:问答How to rename a component column that is a foreign key?
We are using fluentnhibernate with automapping and we have a naming convention that all columns that are foreign keys, there column name will end with \"Key\". So we have a convention that looks like[详细]
2023-03-27 15:48 分类:问答minimal image editor component
I am looking for a web component which i canembed in my j2ee application. The only thing i need in the component is to be able to take a highligher and highlight certain areas in image. That\'s it.[详细]
2023-03-27 11:59 分类:问答Customize TAdvSmoothListBox item colors
I\'ve just installed TMS Components for Delphi and in TAdvSmoothListBox I would like to customize colors for each item.[详细]
2023-03-27 09:48 分类:问答Upsidedown Vertical Progress Bar?
I wanted to do a Vertical Progress Bar so i found this: Vertical progress bar But now like if you have Horizitonal Progress Bar you can make it work from LeftToRight / RightToLeft so i want my Vertic[详细]
2023-03-27 08:41 分类:问答Best way to make a component icon in Delphi XE using only the built in tools
In Delphi 7, an image editor program is included, which can read and write .dcrfiles, which are merely binary resource files (.res files) with a different extension, which by convention indicates that[详细]
2023-03-26 23:40 分类:问答SQL query builder WPF
I need to give my customers an ability to select virtually any data from the database. They are regular users, don\'t know SQL, know nothing about tables, relations etc.[详细]
2023-03-26 12:11 分类:问答Problem understanding component scoping in jsf. Special syntax needed for 'id' reference?
So I\'m having a hard time understanding scoping of components in JSF. Here\'s an example piece of code I\'m working on. I have three separate panels, in the first panel I have a primefaces calendar c[详细]
2023-03-26 10:41 分类:问答