Send different emails using different SMTP Settings in Rails
I have an application using which i send an emails to users using sendgrid settings. Now what i want certain email such as Exception Occur Emails should go using my smtp settings and not by send grid[详细]
2023-03-26 10:10 分类:问答Ejabberd / Rails "getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
I get the error SocketError in UsersController#create getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known[详细]
2023-03-25 09:34 分类:问答Action Mailer Design Patterns: Is it better to have a single mailer (eg. Notifier) or a mailer for each Model (eg UserMailer, ProductMailer)?
Im trying to better understand good design patterns for when I use ActionMailer in Rails3 (3.1 if it makes a 开发者_如何学Cdifference).[详细]
2023-03-24 20:24 分类:问答to include mailers in a stateful model or keep it within the controllers
I currently have many emails which are tied to various states within a model.IE, if the state goes from \"pending\" to \"confirmed\" an email gets generated.[详细]
2023-03-23 18:46 分类:问答Sending large email attachments with actionmailer and heroku from s3
i have an app that stores uploaded files in s3, once complete a mail is sent with the attached file. The app works fine when attachments are between 0-15 Mb in size. However when i attached something[详细]
2023-03-22 20:26 分类:问答Make a custom helper available to both Mailer and View in Rails 3.1
is this the best way to make a helper available to both Mailer and view in Rails 3.1? class EventMailer < ActionMailer::Base[详细]
2023-03-22 13:24 分类:问答Rails 3: User input escaping working differently in views and mailer
I\'m using the following set of code in both my views and the mailer: <%= simple_format(auto_link(h(user_input))) %>[详细]
2023-03-22 07:09 分类:问答How to send mail in HTML format in Rails 2.3.11?
I\'ve only found solutions that work in Rails 3, so far.How can I force emails sent with ActionMailer to be formatted as HTML, rather than plaintext?[详细]
2023-03-22 00:44 分类:问答Rails : No route matches , creating contact us form
I am making a contact us form that doens\'t have any model. I just want it to be a popup in the home page when people click on contact us.[详细]
2023-03-21 06:41 分类:问答Wrong "from" email when using ActionMailer
Rails 2.3.11 I\'m trying to send an activation-style email whenever a user registers.The email gets sent successfully, but has the wrong \"from\" email address.The subject, content, and recipient\'s[详细]
2023-03-21 04:30 分类:问答