Send to multiple recipients in Rails with ActionMailer
I\'m trying to send multiple emails based on a boolean value in my database. The app is a simple scheduling app and user can mark their shif开发者_开发知识库t as \"replacement_needed\" and this should[详细]
2023-04-05 09:25 分类:问答action mailer and url generation in Rails 3.0.9
So I realize that Rails mailers need help in generating urls.I want HTML email with images served externally (no attachments) so I\'ve set both:[详细]
2023-04-04 12:30 分类:问答switch to new server broke rails 2.2.2 app email
Moving to a new server broke all of my mailers in a rails 2.2.2 app. To debug this i created the simplest test email possible and continue to get an error.[详细]
2023-04-04 06:22 分类:问答Send multiple mails in one deliver command?
I try to send multiple mails in one single .deliver command. My mailer method looks like this: def feedback_mail[详细]
2023-04-03 21:49 分类:问答How to temporarily disable acts_as_audited and actionmailer, run a script then reenable
This might be quite simple, but I am tearing my hair out. I have a script that I want to run on a daily basis, the script updates a ton of records( across 20 different models) and I dont really ca开发[详细]
2023-04-03 20:38 分类:问答Rails 3 send emails in development to a single address
In my Rails 2 apps I always used sanitize email to send all emails in development to my personal ac开发者_开发百科count to avoid accidentally sending out emails or to use just for testing.[详细]
2023-04-03 20:12 分类:问答Rails 3.1 Assets in ActionMailer with image_tag
Assets are working fine for my web views, but for some reason my Mailer doesn\'t use the asset pipeline. I am trying to use an image_tag in my mailer view:[详细]
2023-04-03 05:27 分类:问答Delayed_job: Undefined method error on any call
I have a rails 3.0.5 app that was working just fine with delayed_job 2.1.4. It\'s been a few weeks since I touched the app, but I just went to tweak it and noticed that delayed_job is broken. Specifi[详细]
2023-04-03 01:41 分类:问答ActionMailer without Rails - views not being picked up
I\'ve set up Act开发者_如何转开发ionMailer 3.x for use outside of Rails, but the emails don\'t have a body. Can anyone help?[详细]
2023-04-02 23:55 分类:问答Do mail interceptors get called when config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
That\'s really the whole question. I have some 开发者_开发问答mail interceptors but when I set the delivery mode to test, they don\'t do their thing - is this to be expected?[详细]
2023-04-02 16:32 分类:问答