Simple javascript alert that can't fire more then once in a certain amount of time?
Just wondering if there is a simple way to have an alert that can\'t fire more then once in a certain time period. 开发者_JAVA百科 All I\'m using is[详细]
2023-03-27 17:35 分类:问答iphone - apns alert option (no view option) possible?
In the official Apple document it says alert string or dictionary If this property is included, iOS displays a standard alert. You may specify a string a开发者_运维技巧s the value of alert or a di[详细]
2023-03-27 12:07 分类:问答php suhosin alerts
I use suhosin. I get the following alerts. ALERT-SIMULATION - tried to register forbidden variable \'_REQUEST\' through GET variables (attacker[详细]
2023-03-26 14:27 分类:问答Blackberry: display Alert/Status/Dialog early and exit
Let\'s say I have a typical Blackberry app: public class MyApp extends UiApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {[详细]
2023-03-26 12:56 分类:问答Replace alert window
I use in my project third-party obfuscate开发者_Go百科d JS library. The matter is it uses standard alert window for notifications. My task is to replace this browser alert window with my custom. My so[详细]
2023-03-26 03:42 分类:问答Problem with alert in smsRecevicer class
I am new here. I are making a app, where it must show a alert on sms message. I don\'t think I understand how i ex. can call a function from another class, when the function have a \"this\"-attribute.[详细]
2023-03-25 10:24 分类:问答iOS - Thread and alertiview
i\'ve an app that when start control updates and other things. If the app find some updates they will ask user if this updates have to be done. If user select YES i want that a spinner appear on main[详细]
2023-03-25 10:15 分类:问答Issues with javascript properly loading and seeing everything
Ok, so I have a form that loads from a request through a zip code widget from another page. THe widget populates two of the form fields immediately, on submit, on the new page.My problem is that I hav[详细]
2023-03-23 20:34 分类:问答Alert message on Page_Init
I have a security class that is called by a PageBase class (that all pages will inherit from) that will redirect the user to either the home page or the login page (depending on if they\'re logged in[详细]
2023-03-23 01:34 分类:问答[Android]Alertdialog return boolean onclick
I have a problem with a AlertDialog : I\'ld like that my AlertDialog return true if the user click on Positive button and false if he click on negative button. The function must block the program unti[详细]
2023-03-22 09:51 分类:问答