Visual Studio 2008 Create new Smart Device project option not available
I have installed Visual Studio 2008 (also tried with 2010 beta) and cannot see the option to start a new smart device project (for windows mobile)[详细]
2022-12-16 10:59 分类:问答Update data on MongoDB CLI with unwind
For the below document structure .I need to update if fare.baseFare is less than 3800 equal to 3800 in which flight.travelClass=Economy[详细]
2022-12-07 19:22 分类:问答count nested array inside documen using updateOne() function
const reset_qr_list_and_update_count = await stock_read_log.updateOne( { payload: {$ne:req.body.payload},[详细]
2022-12-07 19:18 分类:问答How to execute mongodb query from (C#).net core 2.1 class library?
I am using .net core 2.1 class library, and MongoDB.Driver.dll Version I have prepared a query in mongodb shell, and it is working fine.[详细]
2022-12-07 19:04 分类:问答Mongodb array values subtract then sum
I have a collection contains 2 statuses of orders "Shipped" and "Delivered". I want to calculate the average in hours[详细]
2022-12-07 17:21 分类:问答