QMake - How to add and use a variable into the .pro file
I have a qmake file generated by Qt creator. I am modifying it but I do not manage to understand how to create a variable.[详细]
2023-04-12 23:16 分类:问答SDL_Surface in QWidget
I want to use a SDL_Surface inside a Qt window. I created a SDL_Surface using SDL_CreateRGBSurface(). I know how to display a QPixmap in Qt window.[详细]
2023-04-12 23:14 分类:问答How can I call the system default browser to display a webpage **INSIDE** my program
I mean just like a webkit widget, so i can insert it into m开发者_JAVA百科y layout.use QWebView :[详细]
2023-04-12 22:20 分类:问答QT 4 - How to build QuaZip and QtCrypto to .Lib?
Latest news: I fixed QuaZip issue The QtCrypto is work on Desktop platform (with AES 256) now. But how to build the lib for Symbian?[详细]
2023-04-12 22:17 分类:问答HowTo draw ico+text data with delegate in QTreeWidget (when selecting a row)?
Problem: When I select a row with a mouse on the table, pic #1 becomes pic #2 - as you can see, all my drawn icons are disappear![详细]
2023-04-12 20:26 分类:问答Calculation in a QML file?
I got the following code that doesn\'t work (in a QML file - PixelAdapter.qml) : Item { id: pixelAdapterId[详细]
2023-04-12 19:10 分类:问答how to make a cell in a QTableWidget read only?
i have the following code defining the gui of my app class Ui (object): def setupUi(): self.tableName = QtGui.QTableWidget(self.layoutWidget_20)[详细]
2023-04-12 19:04 分类:问答Qt how to access resources
Qt Creator give the possibility to attach some resource to the project. I created in the project directory a folder called: Images. inside i have the file splash1.jpg[详细]
2023-04-12 18:07 分类:问答display graphs using OGDF and Qt
Im looking to implement an application that is working with and displaying simple graph. One of those is a tree, one is like an automaton.[详细]
2023-04-12 17:49 分类:问答calling QMetaObject::invokeMethod() with variable amount of parameters
I´m porting FitNesse´s Slim-server at the moment and I´m kinda stuck right now. What I´m getting are strings like t开发者_运维技巧hese:[详细]
2023-04-12 16:36 分类:问答