Database and the 2nd Normal Form
I have a table that satisfies the following relations: R(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) {A, B, C} is the primary key.[详细]
2023-03-14 12:40 分类:问答Difference between canonical cover and minimal cover
I know how to calculate a minimal cover-- ensure each functional dependency only has one attribute on the RHS,[详细]
2023-03-12 22:41 分类:问答Is it practical to dynamically normalize a table?
Let\'s say my database tracks bird sightings (Note: I\'m really scraping the bottom of the barrel for examples).[详细]
2023-03-12 20:33 分类:问答Normalization 3NF
I an reading through some examples of normalization, however I have come across one that I do not understand.[详细]
2023-03-10 00:39 分类:问答Normalization of a database schema
Here are the relationships between 3 objects - A, B and C. A:B - 1:M A:C - 1:M B:C - M:M, with the restriction that they must share the same A instance.[详细]
2023-02-28 17:18 分类:问答Lossless Join Property
What is meant by the lossless join property in a relation schema? Is it the ability to maintain the semantics of information/data during the decomposition 开发者_JS百科of relations whilst normalising?[详细]
2023-02-28 16:03 分类:问答Multilingual free-text search in an app with normalized data?
We have enums, free-text, and referenced fields etc. in our DB. Each enum has its own translation, free-text could be in any language. We\'d like to do efficient large-scale free-text searching and e[详细]
2023-02-27 18:38 分类:问答have multiple tables with the same key that are separated by type of data or keep things together in the single table [closed]
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. 开发者_开发知识库[详细]
2023-02-27 04:00 分类:问答One table column for many fk tables?
What is the best solution/practice for situation like this? I have a table, that can reference to multiple tables (objects)?[详细]
2023-02-22 04:31 分类:问答Same data from different entities in Database - Best Practice - Phone numbers example
Given a database system which deals with Staff, Customers and Suppliers, all of which have multiple possible phone numbers, how would you go about storing these numbers in a nice normalised way? I hav[详细]
2023-02-20 04:44 分类:问答