Rails way for querying join table in has_and_belongs_to_many
I have a user model and a role model with a has_and_belongs_to_many reliationship. The join table is roles_users (two columns - the PK of the user and the role) and has no corresponding model.[详细]
2022-12-24 12:22 分类:问答明基家用投影仪i701看3D用什么眼镜?
冯伟坚 开发者_StackOverflow中文版 2022-04-23 10:20 您好,如您需要观看3D,建议您可参考使用主动快门式的3D液晶眼镜。[详细]
2022-12-24 07:45 分类:问答Pyglet, how to make the ESCAPE key not close the window?
I am writing a small sample program and I would like to override the default pyglet\'s behavioyr of ESC closing the app. I have something to the extent of:[详细]
2022-12-24 06:50 分类:问答What's the effect in Ruby when you initialize with nil: x = String(nil)
What\'s the effect in Ruby when you pass nil to the constructor as in: s = String(nil) or a = Array(nil)[详细]
2022-12-23 23:32 分类:问答耳螨治疗多少钱啊?猫咪得了耳螨,去医院治疗多久能好?大约多少钱??
鱼雁音书 2022-05-03 22:03 开发者_如何学运维广州的医院洗耳一次20元,除螨60元,洗耳水起码100元以上,所以可以自己上网买,45元德国virbac维克耳漂/耳爽/洗耳水60ml,每天给它用棉签洗一次就行了。[详细]
2022-12-22 15:25 分类:问答How do I upload new data-base structure into mysql from my development db?
we\'ve been making changes in the MySQL database, adding tables, columns and so forth and I have a deve开发者_开发知识库lopment/staging site and production. All are MySQL, staging and production hoste[详细]
2022-12-22 05:29 分类:问答梵净山必须按预约时间进吗?
深海底泥 2022-05-06开发者_JS百科 12:19 为保护梵净山生态环境,景区实行限流,所以采取预约票制,约票约时间段,早上8点过,山门前就已经开始限流,游客需分批次进入景区。[详细]
2022-12-22 00:40 分类:问答jquery show div next to link tag
Can someone please help?I\'m new to jquery and I\'m stuck on something that seems too simple.Sorry if this is a repost but I couldn\'t find what I was looking for.[详细]
2022-12-21 15:29 分类:问答