linux shell 函数使用
how to clone a local git repository whose name contains a `:'?
I\'m trying to clone a local git repository. The repository\'s name contains a `:\'. This is confusing both me and git. I get the following error:[详细]
2022-12-29 06:11 分类:问答-
linux shell 编程之函数使用详解
目录前言shell 函数分类系统函数1、basename语法简单案例2、dirname语法简单案例自定义函数语法语法说明注意点案例1:无参无返回值函数案例2:无参有返回值函数案例3:有参函数案例介绍补充:Shell程序与函数的区别l[详细]
2022-12-07 13:11 分类:运维