View contents of file with Content-disposition: attachment using socket
I want to parse the contents of a dynamic .csv file. However, this code (obviously with duff file names, etc.):[详细]
2022-12-19 18:04 分类:问答Static objects in wpf app
In m开发者_如何学运维y wpf app i am using a lot of objects declared as static for caching purposes.[详细]
2022-12-19 17:49 分类:问答is it possible to authenticate with oauth, on the iphone, without making the user enter a pin?
there is no practical way that i can see or have read about that lets you authenticate using oauth without making the user leave the app or ha开发者_如何学Pythonve to write the pin down before they ca[详细]
2022-12-18 15:53 分类:问答《请让爱情相信你 (《鲛珠传》电影主题曲)》MP3歌词-张靓颖?
请让爱情相信你 (《鲛珠传》电影主题曲) 张靓颖 专辑:请让爱情相信你 语种:国语[详细]
2022-12-18 11:16 分类:问答3d打印模型多少钱啊?3d打印一个模型多少钱?
M95****50 2022-06-02 10:30 大概几百元。 3D打印(3DP)即快速成型技术的一种,又称增材制造,它是一种以数字模型文件为基础,运用粉末状金属或塑料等可粘合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体的技术。[详细]
2022-12-18 10:25 分类:问答What is the benefit of a 'promise' abstraction in CommonJS?
I\'m reading this article and the section on the promise abstraction seems a little overly complicated to me.The following is given as an example:[详细]
2022-12-18 05:52 分类:问答Assistance with a class method in PHP
I am trying to make a function I can pass an mysql query into and get the result back or an error, it should also check to see if the user running the code is an admin, if they are then it will get a[详细]
2022-12-17 17:48 分类:问答reference to the pointed object
Dereferencing pointers can make the code very hard to read. What I usually do is putting a reference to the pointed object and working with the reference. Example:[详细]
2022-12-17 17:44 分类:问答无精症属于不孕不育么?
赫赫宛潞 2022-06-09 10:42 很高兴为您服务。依据您的描述,你们结婚一年多了,假如有正常的性生活又没有采用避孕办法,那就是一部验证,应该到医院门诊去检测不孕不育的原因,能够针对原因选择医治的,不肯定就[详细]
2022-12-17 17:11 分类:问答