Using FFMPEG and url_fopen example
I wonder how to get a stream from a URL (with url_fopen for example) (live video or PCM stream for example) and encode it into something?[详细]
2022-12-24 18:24 分类:问答降调针打完一针后为什么要等28天??
2022-12-24 18:19 分类:问答《友谊的小船》MP3歌词-王菀之?
友谊的小船 王菀之 专辑:The Whimsical Voyage 语种: 粤语 流派:Pop 唱片公司:英皇唱片[详细]
2022-12-24 18:19 分类:问答问题的答案每页只显示2条会不会太少??
360U3182113893 开发者_高级运维2022-04-20 14:03 后台里,系统设置--全局设置:问题想请页面回答数量设置[详细]
2022-12-24 18:17 分类:问答How are jsp pages executed,what's the principle in it?
I\'m reading the steps to build a web app skeleton: http://maestric.com/doc/java/spring/setup#web_app_skeleton[详细]
2022-12-24 18:13 分类:问答How to declare combobox itemTemplate that has Itemsource as Enum Values in WPF?
I have a enum let\'s say enum MyEnum { FirstImage, SecondImage, ThirdImage, FourthImage }; I have binded this Enum to my combobox in XAML.[详细]
2022-12-24 17:42 分类:问答what is pagecache page
/* * Each physical page in the system has a struct page associated with * it to keep track of whatever it is 开发者_开发技巧we are using the page for at the[详细]
2022-12-24 17:33 分类:问答Rack throwing an error when trying to serve a static file
use Rack::Static, :urls => [\'/stylesheets\', \'/images\'], :root => \'public\' run proc { |env| [200, { \'Content-Type\' => \'text/html\', \'Cache-Control\' => \'public, max-age=86400\'[详细]
2022-12-24 14:57 分类:问答都说《琉璃》设定像《香蜜沉沉》,两位女主比,你觉得谁颜值高?
2022-12-24 14:52 分类:问答ViewController init?
I have just noticed that my ViewController does not call init (See below) when it starts up. -(id)init {[详细]
2022-12-24 14:50 分类:问答