Is it possible to have a common pointer between 2 different programs on the same computer
I need 2 different programs to work on a single set of data. I have can set up a network (UDP) connection between them but I want to avoid the transfer of the whole data by any means.[详细]
2022-12-21 02:35 分类:问答Can not call sp_detach_db on a database that is offline
I can run开发者_如何学Python this command in SqlManager to detach the db ALTER DATABASE mydb SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE[详细]
2022-12-21 02:07 分类:问答Drawing top border on a shape on Android
I\'m creating a custom progress bar (positioned under a WebView) and what I would like to draw is a 1dp-wide line between the WebView and the ProgressBar. I\'m modifying existing drawable, namely prog[详细]
2022-12-19 08:07 分类:问答三国演义连环画60年代是谁画的呢??
Yasu_Nana 2022-06-02 20:23 开发者_StackOverflow社区 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdxRUhX三国演义是61册,mobi可用 calibre - E-book management,转化为360U3184116805[详细]
2022-12-18 12:52 分类:问答What is the difference between releasing and autoreleasing?
I still have some unclear understand about release and autorelease. What are the difference between both of them? I have this code. For facebook connection. I crash it sometimes when I go to Facebook开[详细]
2022-12-17 01:44 分类:问答宜春看子宫纵隔最好的医院推荐?
张眺眺 2022-06-17 18:41 开发者_如何学C宜春看子宫纵隔最好的医院推荐-宜春不孕不育医院排名?建议到公立医院检查就诊。若B超发现纵膈子宫,就需要根据患者的症状,是否有生育要求来决定。比如在年轻的时候发生[详细]
2022-12-16 23:10 分类:问答Proper Interop Cleanup
I have the below method for spellchecking in my in house app.As a new programmer this was pieced together through multiple sources and tweaked until it worked for me.[详细]
2022-12-16 20:15 分类:问答-
为什么苹果手机玩游戏会闪退 苹果手机玩游戏会闪退的原因
2022-12-06 04:05 分类:问答