Android AtomicLong使用
目录一、为什么需要AtomicLong?二、AtomicLong的核心原理2.1 CAS机制2.2 内存可见性三、AtomicLong的基本使用3.1 初始化方式3.2 常用方法详解四、AtomicLong的适用场景✅ 推荐使用场景不推荐场景五、生产环境实战案[详细]
2025-03-23 12:06 分类:开发 Creating a simple command line interface (CLI) using a python server (TCP sock) and few scripts
I have a Linux box and I want to be able to telnet into it (port 77557) and run few required commands without having to access to the whole Linux box. So, I have a server listening on that port, and e[详细]
2022-12-28 20:29 分类:问答