Win11/10怎么切换深色和浅色模式? windows深色模式自动切换技巧
在 Windows 11 和 Windows 10 系统中,微软为我们提供了丰富的「个性化」设置选项,其中就包括了「深色」和「浅色」两种显示模式。深色模式不仅能够帮助笔记本电脑和平板设备节省电量,还能在弱光环境下减少屏幕强光[详细]
2024-11-07 10:05 分类:运维 Boost ASIO read X bytes synchroniously into a vector
I\'ve been attempting to write a client/server app with boost now, so far it sends and receives but I can\'t seem to just read X bytes into a vector.[详细]
2022-12-28 20:07 分类:问答