
mysql Redo Log Undo Log

  • 深入解析MySQL中的Redo Log、Undo Log和Binlog

    目录引言Redo LogUndo LogBinlogJava代码示例总结引言 在数据库管理系统中,日志是保障数据一致性和完整性的关键机制。mysql作为一种广泛使用的关系型数据库管理系统,提供了多种日志类型来满足不同的需求。本文将详[详细]

    2024-10-29 08:59 分类:数据库
  • Date and time in silverlight + ria services

    I\'m facing a very weird problem in sliverlight 4 + RIA Services, or maybe it\'s not weird and I\'m just a newbie anyway I hope someone here can help, the problem is the following[详细]

    2022-12-28 20:00 分类:问答