
Python Django

  • Python Django查询集的延迟加载特性详解

    目录一、引言二、什么是查询集?2.1 创建查询集三、查询集的延迟加载3.1 查询集的惰性行为3.2 查询何时被真正执行?3.3 查询集链式调用的延迟加载四、延迟加载的优缺点4.1 优点4.2 缺点五、强制查询集立即执行5.1 使[详细]

    2024-10-25 10:02 分类:开发
  • Date and time in silverlight + ria services

    I\'m facing a very weird problem in sliverlight 4 + RIA Services, or maybe it\'s not weird and I\'m just a newbie anyway I hope someone here can help, the problem is the following[详细]

    2022-12-28 20:00 分类:问答