

  • Python+moviepy实现音频/视频提取器

    目录全部代码1. 概述2. 导入必要的库3. 主应用程序类4. 创建UI组件5. 导出功能6. 在PotPlayer中打开文件7. 设置的保存和加载8. 主程序入口9.运行结果结论在这篇博客中,我们将深入探讨一个使用python和wxPython构建的[详细]

    2024-10-22 09:18 分类:开发
  • RESTful API: How to model JSON representation?

    I am designing a RESTful API for a booking application. You can request a list of accommodations. And that\'s where I don\'t really know how to design the JSON represenation. This is my XML representa[详细]

    2022-12-28 19:59 分类:问答