看衰中国极不明智 中国经济尚未见顶?
观察者网 消息,据香港《南华早报》和新加坡总理办公室消息,10月18日,新加坡国务资政、前总理李显龙出席在新加坡举行的“慧眼中国环球论坛”炉边对话。[详细]
2024-10-22 07:44 分类:问答RESTful API: How to model JSON representation?
I am designing a RESTful API for a booking application. You can request a list of accommodations. And that\'s where I don\'t really know how to design the JSON represenation. This is my XML representa[详细]
2022-12-28 19:59 分类:问答