Ubuntu IP地址
目录一、找到位于 /etc/netplan 的 netplan 目录二、修改或创建配置文件三、配置与本机相符的网络适配器四、禁用DHCP五、配置静态IP、子网掩码、网关六、配置DNS服务器地址七、应用并测试更改八、检查静态IP是否生效[详细]
2024-10-20 10:11 分类:运维RESTful API: How to model JSON representation?
I am designing a RESTful API for a booking application. You can request a list of accommodations. And that\'s where I don\'t really know how to design the JSON represenation. This is my XML representa[详细]
2022-12-28 19:59 分类:问答