
SpringBoot @PostConstruct

  • SpringBoot中@PostConstruct 注解的实现

    目录一、基本介绍二、@PostConstruct 的执行时机Spring Bean 的生命周期@PostConstruct 的确切执行时机执行顺序示例重要注意事项三、使用场景及代码示例1. 初始化资源:比如打开数据库连接、初始化缓存等。2. 设置默[详细]

    2024-09-24 10:34 分类:开发
  • How can I pass common arguments to Perl modules?

    I\'m not thrilled with the argument-passing architecture I\'m evolving for the (many) Perl scripts that have been developed for some scripts that call various Hadoop MapReduce jobs.[详细]

    2022-12-28 19:48 分类:问答