
PyTorch torch.nn

  • PyTorch中torch.nn模块的实现

    目录1. nn.Module2. Layers(层)2.1 nn.Linear(全连接层)2.2 nn.Conv2d(二维卷积层)2.3 nn.MaxPool2d(二维最大池化层)3. Loss Functions(损失函数)3.1 nn.MSELoss(均方误差损失)[详细]

    2024-09-24 09:22 分类:开发
  • Code Coverage tool for BlackBerry

    I\'m looking for a code coverage tool that I can use with a BlackBerry application. I\'m using J2ME-Unit for Unit Testing and I want to see how much of my code is being covered by my tests.[详细]

    2022-12-28 19:46 分类:问答