澎湃新闻 消息,10月21日,衡阳市蒸湘区一工地发生一起小学生坠井死亡事件。当地一名官方人士告诉澎湃新闻,事发时间是21日13时50分许,一名小学生疑似“玩躲猫猫”时不慎坠井。[详细]
2024-10-25 08:34 分类:问答不提倡 应先救人再找责任方?
2024-09-16 07:19 分类:问答Is it possible to run Visual Studio Database Edition schema migrations from the command line?
Visual Studio 2008 Database Edition (Data Dude) has the ability to perform schema comparisons between databases and generate a script which migrates from one database to the other. Is it possible to p[详细]
2022-12-28 19:41 分类:问答