Spring AOP概念
Spring AOP概念及原理解析
目录Spring AOP(面向切面编程)1. 静态代理与动态代理JDK 动态代理CGLIB 动态代理2. Spring AOP 实现原理Bean 被包装成 Proxy创建 Proxy 对象获取代理对象InvocationHandler 的实现3. 拦截器链与方法链的执行总结以[详细]
2024-08-10 12:48 分类:开发Spring Security and the Synchronizer Token J2EE pattern, problem when authentication fails
we are using Spring Security 2.0.4. We have a TransactionTokenBean which generates a unique token each POST, the bean is session scoped. The token is used for the duplicate form submission problem (an[详细]
2022-12-28 18:31 分类:问答