福建舰海试“为期不远” 哪些是可以期待的?专家解析?
福建舰下水现场图源:人民画报 直新闻:军事专家近日在央视新闻节目中披露,国产航母福建舰距离海试的日子为期不远了。您如何展望福建舰的关键节点,它距离入列海军服役还需要经历哪些测试?[详细]
2024-04-29 06:52 分类:问答jQuery - Minified gallery, change background-color via CSS?
I have a site where I randomize the background image using a php rotator script file. But I was thinking, is it possible to create a small preview gallery of each background image and make it so that[详细]
2022-12-28 18:18 分类:问答