C++ WMI查询系统信息
Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)是一种用于管理和监视Windows操作系统的框架。它为开发人员、系统管理员和自动化工具提供了一种标准的接口,通过这个接口,可以获取有关计算机系统硬件、操作系统和应用程[详细]
2023-11-20 10:23 分类:开发 Next, Previous Records Using Named Scope
I have a model for which I want to retrieve the next record(s) and previous record(s).I want to do this via a named_scope on the model, and also pass in as an argument the X number of next/previous re[详细]
2022-12-28 17:24 分类:问答