

  • MySQL数据库中外键(foreign key)用法详解

    目录前言一、外键作用及其限制条件1 外键的定义2 外键的作用3 外键创建限制二、外键创建方法1 创建外键的语法2 举例(1)创建两张表(2)创建外键(3)查看表结构三、验证外键作用1 先向主表中添加数据2 触发限制使用[详细]

    2023-11-20 09:06 分类:数据库
  • How to detect what Library is behind the $ function?

    I am developing some JavaScript that should work with either Prototype.js or JQuery, thus I need some way to i开发者_开发知识库dentify what is the primary library in use. How can I do that?You can che[详细]

    2022-12-28 17:23 分类:问答