Redis 策略
目录一、什么是内存淘汰?二、Redis 内存上限三、Redis 内存淘汰策略四、内存淘汰的具体工作步骤五、LRU 算法及在 Redis 中的改进5.1 LRU 算法5.2 Redis 中的 LRU 算法六、LFU一、什么是内存淘汰?[详细]
2023-11-19 09:29 分类:数据库 The best way to assign an immutable instance to a Collection in Java
Today I was reading through some Hibernate code and I encounter something interesting. There is a class called CollectionHelper that defines the following constant varibale:[详细]
2022-12-28 17:10 分类:问答